James J., IV DeLuccia, "IT Compliance and Controls: Best Practices for Implementation"
Wiley | ISBN-10: 0470145013 | April 4, 2008 | 274 pages | PDF | 1.1MB
Wiley | ISBN-10: 0470145013 | April 4, 2008 | 274 pages | PDF | 1.1MB
A considerable degree of attention has been placed on organizations to improve and disclose the state of Information Technology (IT) internal controls within the United States as a result of several regulations, most prominently, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Section 404. Whether the result of a newly induced government mandate, a recent court ruling, industry trade groups, or from concerned stakeholders in the organization, these regulations have the ability to disrupt business. But no matter what the source, organizations are being strongly encouraged to have IT internal controls and to disclose these to the requesting parties. Dispensing invaluable insight into the complex world of interweaving government and industry mandates from around the world, IT Compliance and Controls provides a road map to effectively answer the question, "How much is enough?"
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